Nairobi Escorts ladies are the best to quench your sexual desires with no strings attached, however, For most guys, when they think of ideal places to spend a sex holiday, or even stay long term as an ex-pat, locations such as Asia and certain countries in Latin America are often the first things that come to mind, and that’s probably understandable.
One of the last places guys still consider? Africa.
There are probably a lot of reasons for this, but let me assure you, to the uninformed or inexperienced, 90% of those reasons are bullshit. That’s especially true when it comes to a city like Nairobi in Kenya.
This place is a guy’s paradise in many ways, most of which will surprise you. Nairobi raha has been on the up and up for awhile, and that definitely includes the sex scene, which is far less inundated with sexy girls in Nairobi than in other countries.
Indeed, Nairobi Raha is pretty incredible in more ways than one, and an ideal location for guys that are more into the non-pro side of things – although there are plenty of pro and semi-pro girls here.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Allow me to introduce you to Nairobi Escorts Girls , and the 5 best places to meet Kenya Escorts Girls for sex in the capital of Nairobi and get the best of NairobiRaha girls, Nairobi Raha girls and Nairobi Escorts
What to Know Beforehand About Escort services in Nairobi
Let me address some of the bigger misconceptions before we delve into all this.
First off, Nairobi is incredibly safe. Yes, they’ve had a few incidents from time to time over the last decade, but this is not unlike many western cities. As long as you stay in this part of the country, and really even surrounding areas, you’re more than fine, and a lot safer than some Latin countries for sure.
Secondly, one of the first things you’ll notice is how friendly everyone here is. Genuinely friendly, it’s pretty awesome. The moment you arrive at the airport, you’ll see what I’m talking about. The same goes for anywhere you are in town.
Yeah, you might catch a glimpse of a giraffe walking around outside town from time to time, but Nairobi is very much civilized and increasingly modern. Think of it like seeing cows or horses on the outskirts of many midwestern states in the U.S.
The city itself is very safe too, and although I never really recommend being out and about after dark in major cities anywhere, if you do end up walking around in the better parts of town, you’ll have nothing to worry about.
As I’ve said, this city is on the rise, and that includes infrastructure, and the education and job skills of the local populace. Nairobi is the Silicon Valley of Africa. A little rough around the edges in some spots, but expect that to change soon.
I’ll try to be brief here. For the most part, Nairobi has a sort of westernized feel to it in a lot of ways, or at least as close as you can get for an African city. The language barrier is practically non-existent as well, with the overwhelming majority of residents learning English from the 1st grade and on.
There are some people that can speak Swahili, but that’s dropping each year. Nairobi English has a lot of similarities to British English, but there are also some caveats that will take some getting used to if you’re a western-dwelling muzungu (mlami )(the African version of a gringo – a white foreigner).
The guys here are extremely friendly and chatty, and you’ll no doubt make some genuine new friends during your exploits. No jealousy or hostility here, and certainly not like you’d get in a place like South Africa. Nairobians are laid back and happy to host you. They’re also fairly up-to-date on western music and television.
Female Escorts Nairobi
As for the women (the reason you’re actually here), you’re in for a treat. Nairobi girls are educated, speak English, straight forward, proud, sexual, and very easy to get along with. Seriously, these girls are badasses, but not in a standoffish way. And most of them love indulging in the muzungus passing through.
Prostitution is fairly rampant here, kind of like in Dominican cities, except the girls are not as annoying or pushy. And like the Dominican, many of them are semi-pros when the right opportunity arises.
With that said, a ton of these girls are perfectly happy with good old-fashioned one night stands, and/or a week or two of being your temporary girlfriend. Yeah, you might get a few gold diggers here or there, but it’s nothing like Latin countries. Nairobi women aren’t looking for a way out, or their bills paid, they’re doing just fine here.
NairobiRaha & Nairobi’s City Square and the Westlands Escorts area are where you want to be. Both these regions have the highest concentration of nightlife, hotels, and all that. You can easily set up shop at a hotel, most of which are girl-friendly, and either Uber, taxi, or walk over to where there’s stuff to do.
You can certainly find some decent spots around town, but stick to these two areas and you’ll be just fine.
Escorts in Nairobi & Nairobi Girls in Bars / Clubs
This is where you’ll be doing most of your “work”. The club and bar scene is pretty vibrant in Nairobi, and the atmosphere is usually fun and relaxed. During the day, you can hang out at many of the bars in the Westlands and City Centre, and make a few friends, while also encountering some girls who are out for a drink. This is very much true when the work day lets out.
Night time is when things really get going, as the laid back bars become more of dance clubs after dark. This is also when the working girls show up looking for clients. It’s easy to tell them apart, and this being Nairobi, you have a great chance of meeting some random non-pro who just wants a good time.
Unfortunately, Simmers, one of the most popular bars in the city, was recently Escorts in Nairobi, so things are in a bit of transition in that area right now. There are still plenty of other places to go to though:
Gibsy Bar is another longtime favorite, and a popular spot for expats, especially Indian and Asian ones. During the day, you can watch a football game and chat it up, but when the work day lets out, it starts to fill up with a solid amount of Nairobi girls. Definitely come by more than once.
Black Diamond is an essential monger spot to visit. This place is always hopping, and full to the brim of top talent at night. You’ll find plenty of hot local Nairobi natives, as well as some white girls, Indian girls, and a few Asians as well. You’ll probably be here a lot during your stay.
Tribeka Lounge and Brew Bistro are two places that are a little nicer, and always have a good amount of girls hanging out as well.
Nairobi Escort Girls in Strip Clubs / Brothels
Nairobi has a sizable strip club scene, many of which also function as brothels, whether it’s official or not. You’ll find these spots all over, including the outskirts of the city, and right smack in the middle.
You can obviously walk in one and do the standard drink and watch thing but 99% of the girls are for sale, either right there in the club, or your place after. The girls at these clubs are usually very diverse, so you’ll have a lot of variety to choose from, not just African girls.
Most of the brothels are set up like nightclubs, so you can go in, get a table, and have some drinks with friends and the girls, while you decide who you are interested in. Some girls also come to hang out at these spots, so it’s really a mixed environment and makes for more fun in general.
Both strip clubs and brothels usually have rooms for sex on the premises, so it’s not hard to get in and out in under an hour. You don’t really get hustled, and things are very cheap for the most part.
Sabina Joy Bar is the oldest, nicest, and most popular brothel, located in the middle of the city. There’s always good times to be had here, as it’s a club that is always absolutely packed with working girls. They employ around 100 at one time.
Tahiti Strip Club is a local favorite, as are Apple Beez and Liddos. Give them all a try and see what you like best.
Happy Ending Massages in Nairobi
There is no shortage of erotic massage spots spread throughout Nairobi. If you’re used to the typical process of any other happy-ending massage place, you’ll have no trouble figuring it out here. You can often tell what locations offer happy endings (usually strictly hand jobs only, means no sex), as they look a little seedy, or have some sort of red lights.
These massage parlors often have younger college student girls working, and some younger wives, so there is a lot of value to be had at these. It’s a pretty big open secret around here.
Pink Apples and Elites Beauty SPA are two good places to visit at the moment. Go check them out or just walk around the main nightlife areas and discover them yourself.
Nairobi Escort Girls
The escort scene is huge in Nairobi, and you can find just about every type of girl you could possibly imagine, which of course includes the local natives. The prices are actually quite good, and the girls are known for having good attitudes and willing to bend the time and rules a bit if they are into you.
EScorts in Nairobi, NairobiRaha, and Nairobi Sweet are some good sites to start browsing when you’re in town.
Nairobi Girls on Dating Sites
If you want to meet girls in Nairobi that are both super attractive and fun to hang out with, using a dating site is probably your best option. Seeking Arrangement is a hugely popular dating site both among expats in the country as well as tourists who want to meet up with nice local ladies.
And what’s great about this site (apart from the thousands of sexy women online at any daytime) is that you can arrange your dates conveniently from at home, even before starting your trip, means you don’t waste any time.
In Summary
Nairobi is always a blast to visit, and the secret is starting to get out. This city gets better every year, and it continues to offer one of the most diverse crowds of girls with some of the best attitudes and personalities you’ll ever come across.
If you’re tired of going to the same places (like Thailand or Brazil), or simply want to have an exciting time with some beautiful girls in a more affordable and unique location than the usual spots, then I’m sure you’ll love Nairobi as much as I do.