
Terms & Conditions



By using this site, you are assumed to have READ and UNDERSTOOD the specific terms and conditions of using this service. As such,Nairobi Massage & SPA will therefore not be liable for any loss or damage incurred, suffered or otherwise as a result of using this site and/or any of its content material. You therefore relinquish the right to sue This site and any person working for, with , on or associated with Nairobi Massage & SPA & for damages incurred for use of this site, content material on this site, services offered or otherwise. You are therefore advised to make proper inquiries and seek appropriate and – preferably- professional advice before entering into any binding or other agreement.

Terms & Conditions Of Use

This site provides an exciting way for you to meet with people that you desire having relationship with get married to. We also provides relationship and marriage  counseling .
You must be at least 18 years old  to register on or use Nairobi Massage & SPA. Access or use of this site or its contents by any person under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited.

Your use of our service is subject to the following terms and conditions:

User conduct;
By using our service you completely agree that you will act responsibly by being honest about your information as one of our objective is to help people find genuine ,loving partner.


  • Post information not related to our services
  • Interfere with or damage our service including, but without limitation, through the use of viruses, or other form of malware, bots, Trojan horses, harmful code ,flood fing, denial of service attacks, packet or IP spoofing , phising, forged routing or electronic mail address harvesters or similar methods or technology intended to harm this site or contravene these terms of service.
  • Use our service to transmit ,distribute, post or submit any information concerning another person or entity including, but without limitation, photograph of other personal contact information or account number .
  • Advertise commercial products, commercial electronic mail or any kind of commercial related items or sites without our knowledge. 
  • Collect or store any information about any other user of our service.
  • Promote any third party service or assist any third party in doing any of the foregoing.
  • Talk about business transaction witch can lead to solicitation of money or goods from any member.
  • Harass any other member because of his choice sentiments or decision about any other member or third party.


  • After joining you will be responsible for your interactions with other users of our service.
  • We will not be responsible of any damage or harm resulting from your interaction with other user of our service.
  • We reserve the right but have no obligation to monitor interactions between you and other members and take any action in good faith to restrict access to or the availability of any material that we or another user of our service may consider to be abscene, lead, lascivious filthy, excessively violent, harassing or otherwise objectionable.

Further, you agree to these terms of service.

  1. This site is for use to find partners and companions of different kinds. However, do not agree to give or transfer money, valuables or sensitive information to persons you meet on this site without making any steps to find out the honesty of such people BEFOREHAND. Further, do not agree to meet with anyone you meet on this site in any non-public place or any enclosed place for dates, escapades or other engagements until you are sure of the intentions of such persons. Carry your own money and be ready to pay for your own refreshments for any dates. DO NOT ACCEPT edibles that are brought to you on such first encounters. They may be drugged.
  2. You may agree to meet persons met through this site if you so wish. Where first physical meetings are arranged however, always let a third party preferably a close friend or family member know exactly where you are going (read number one above as well) and ask them to accompany you if possible. If you suspect anything out of the ordinary or feel uncomforatble during such encounters, LEAVE.
  3. The information on this site is purely for general information. It should NOT be used to make any business, physical, medical or other decision without additional information being sought by the user. Use of the information on this site to make any of the said decisions or any other that is not stated here is made WHOLLY at the users risk.
  4. Users are cautioned not to load any information or image that contravenes any law of the Republic of Kenya and international laws. As such any information loaded onto this site contravening such law(s) WILL BE REMOVED and is also done so at the user’s risk and any consequences befalling them exonerates from any blame of any kind from any person, organization of persons or otherwise.
  5. Any typing error or other erroneous information on this site is regretted and users should report such errors to Nairobi Massage & SPA. Nairobi Massage & SPA does NOT admit liability for any event caused by or arising from such erroneous information.
  6. This site is for use by the public and as such NO party should put ANY privileged information or copyright material not meant for use by second, third or other parties on this site. will not be liable for losses or damages incurred or suffered for contravening this condition which includes infringement of any law, copyright or otherwise, by our users.
  7. The information on this site is supplied by users or other listed persons including profiles, personal information, personal advertisements and any other details. does NOT guarantee accuracy of such information or images or even the existence of such listed persons.
  8. Posting general personal information on this site is free unless otherwise stated. will not be liable to any loss incurred due to payments made in any form and to any persons claiming to represent
  9. Rates for paid services are included in the refund policy page. The rates may be changed without warning or any form of notice. Though Nairobi Raha will strive to keep the page updated, potential and other clients are advised to confirm the rates by other direct means of communication other than the posting(s) on the site.
  10. Nairobi Massage & SPA reserves the right to remove any person or other listing without giving reasons for the action and will not be liable for any loss incurred for the action(s) or events emanating from such action(s). Any DUE refunds will be refunded within sixty days to the address given when such amounts were paid to Nairobi Massage & SPA. As such, no payments will be paid to third parties, different addresses from the one given UNLESS documentation duly signed by the subscriber is provided to us.
  11. Being a site for public use, Nairobi Massage & SPA has no limit to persons who access the information herein or hereof. If ANY information on this site is used to carry out any criminal act either through commission or omission or any civil misdeeds of any kind whatsoever, is NOT liable to any damage or loss incurred or suffered as a result of use of information on this site.
  12. Nairobi Massage & SPA will not be liable to any loss or damages incurred or suffered for loss of contracts, money, time, assets, or any other materials, items or objects out of decisions made from any information loaded into this site. As such, you are adviced and obligated to put accurate information about yourself and be as truthful as you can and to the best of your knowledge and understanding, since any damages incurred out of errors on your information are YOUR sole responsibility.
  13. Nairobi Massage & SPA will not be liable for any other loss or damage not mentioned on this page out of use of this site or information on this site in ANY way by ANY persons, organizations or associations of persons or any other entity on their own behalf or on behalf of any other person(s) company, organization or any other entity.

Nairobi Massage & SPA understand the concerns that you have about your privacy and we also respect the right to protect your personal information while online . We will therefore NOT share personal information with third parties other than users of this site. We will also NOT sell, trade, share, submit, or otherwise give your email address to any party for other reason UNLESS where required to do so by law.

However, our site is designed to allow user to post photograph and information about themselves for public review and comment. Consequently, by submitting your personal information, photograph or other information on this site, you then waive any privacy expectations you have with respect to our use of your photograph or personal information provided to us for usage ON THIS SITE ONLY. As such, information you input on this site will NOT be availed to other party offering dating or similar services.

For the full privacy members their information and photograph will be directly to us and will not be administered or disclosed to any third party. We will provide them with correspondent profile when available. We can not transfer your information to unaffiliated third parties, our role is to deal with members only except when we organize parties, forums etc. that we are open to members and non members.

The member who joins in the full privacy members will access our site to interact with administered members and we will provide for them correspondence or computable profile of other full privacy members if available.

We will not disclose information of our full privacy members without their consent to non officiated third party.
Full privacy members will be assisting to organize single club parties, forum and conferences they can decide to keep their ticket for the next organized event if the design profile is not available in the participant’s profiles.

We do not guarantee that you will find your soul mate by participating to organized events.


  • The user of the services offered on this site will provide us with his genuine information’s and photographs to enable us to advertise except for full privacy members who will send it direct to us not to be advertised by our service.
  • We reserve the right to advertise your information all over the world by using any kind of advertisement without your consent.
  • You will not intentionally post photograph or information that are against any culture or religious believe if in doing so you aim to offend, mislead, disrespect or otherwise harbour malicious intent against such culture(s) or religion(s) 
  • You WILL NOT post information, photograph or information of third parties even if the user is a family member, friend or sex partner without their consent or if in doing so you intend to cause harm to such persons or impersonate such persons for reasons unknown to them or, if known, that contravenes any international or resident country law.
  • Your profile information will not contain information contrary to our terms and conditions.
  • Information posted SHOULD not be related to individuals less than 18 years of age, as we do not provide that service. As such, any information posted of persons under the age of 18 will be removed on detection and any persons KNOWINGLY engaging such persons will be removed from the site and any money paid lost. 
  • For counseling, you will contact management directly without posting your problem to any third party.
  • You also agree not to post or submit any content that;
  1. Encourages or otherwise depicts your drug use (including alcohol and cigarettes) or encourages any person(s) into engaging into drug use.
  2. Characterizes violence as acceptable, glamorous or desirable or information which in any way advocates for, supports or incites violence of any kind against any person(s), association of persons, organizations, legal ebtities, companies, countries, races
  3. Contains any of your personacontact information other than your email address. We will not have obligation to add any content that you or anyone else submits
  4. In additions we may, at our sole and unfethered discretion, edit, remove or delete any content that you post or submit without neccesarily giving reasons for such actions or warranting any explanations.
© 2024 Nairobi SPA